Hi (first name last name), You ordered a review copy of the Style Matters conflict style inventory last week. Please let me know if you had any issues with downloading that - I can send you one by direct email if needed.
I want to make sure that you are aware there is a companion "Trainers Guide to Successful Conflict Style Workshops" available on our site that is keyed to that inventory. You can see a detailed description and download it free here.
Also, we maintain a short "Intro to Conflict Styles" powerpoint presentation that is perfect for quickly introducing the concept of conflict styles. You can access that free at any time here in an unusual presentation format called Prezi. (VIPIN, IT SEEMS THAT THE SITE automatically strips out the domain in the URL. Can you switch off that function for this particular article, which will be sent via email?) That's a very short and simple overview that gets thousands of views every year.
The Style Matters inventory and its support materials are designed to make it easy for trainers to lead an effective conflict resolution workshop, regardless to their previous level of experience, and our mission as an organization is to support that. If there's anything we can do to assist you to become a better trainer, please let us know!
Lee Myer
Riverhouse ePress