Trainer Kathy Galleher on Using Style Matters

Consultant Oma Drawas on Using Style Matters

What Trainers Say About Style Matters





You want your group or team to manage conflict well.
And you don't have days to put into workshop design.


Why reinvent the wheel? The newly revised Trainers Guide to Conflict Styles Workshops saves precious prep time with full outline of workshops in several formats. Trainer inputs, exercises, discussion questions, and more.  Deliver a workshop your participants will love!   
  • Step by step outline of workshop content
  • Suggested trainer inputs for each step
  • Exercises and discussion questions
  • How to interpret scores
  • Guidance for training culturally diverse groups
  • Works for both Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument and Ron Kraybill's Style Matters inventory
  • NEW! Remote training and conflict styles learning at a distance.
40 page step-by-step guide to leading a conflict styles workshop, from start to finish. It's FREE!

From one intuitive interface, send out invitations with a single click, monitor who has and has not yet taken the inventory, remind the laggards, view score reports and forward them to users at a time of your choice, and create aggregated score reports.

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