Trainer Kathy Galleher on Using Style Matters

Consultant Oma Drawas on Using Style Matters

What Trainers Say About Style Matters

I've spent a lifetime in conflict resolution.

I credit my parents for a great start.  I grew up on the story of how dad set a trap for gas thieves on our farm, caught them in the act, and invited them into our kitchen for ice cream.   When they left, my mom found a $5 bill under one of the plates, more then enough to buy a tank of gas in the 1950s! 

Since that time I've worked in some of the toughest conflicts of our time, including Ireland, South Africa, Myanmar, Israel/Palestine, the Philippines, and more.  You can't win the peace with a bowlful of ice cream in places like that!

But the simple lesson of my childhood remains true nevertheless.  Being willing to try something unexpectedly constructive, and having the skills and generosity of heart required to reach out graciously when things are tense, can be a game changer.

A lot of the conflict that troubles are world goes unresolved because people