

Instructions for Trainer Dashboard


The full dashboard is visible only to viewers with Dashboard privileges.  Purchase here.

Any user can see the Help page you are now reading. But to see the full Dashboard, you must be logged in with an account configured for Dashboard use.  You can purchase one in the Order as Trainer menu above.   To request a free demo account, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   

After you buy the Dashboard, we configure your account accordingly, which may take up to a business day.  We will email you when it is ready for use.  To login, go to the Trainers/Dashboard item the top menu on the front page of our site or click here.  Login with the login and password you used when you purchased the Dashboard.   

After you log in, a Dashboard  menu will appear on the left.  (This is visible only after you have purchased the Dashboard and we have configured your account.) 


In the Trainers menu to the left of the Dashboard is a button "Edit Registration Note".  When you click on it, you will find an easy-to-edit page already pre-filled with suggested text.  Edit this as you wish, including, if appropriate, instructions about printing out the score report and bringing it to your workshop. 

There are a couple sections of the registration note you can't edit:  The sentence with a clickable link for users to go to the inventory is not accessible to your edits.  Neither is the paragraph with the information for manual login.

If you want to add any special instructions to your users, this registration email is an easy way to communicate them.  For example, you might add: "When you have completed the inventory, please print out a copy to bring to class.   Please also take fifteen minutes to work through the first three items in the Tutorial (see menu at top of page when you are in the inventory) before class."

Save the Registration Note. Be sure to click the button at the bottom of the page when you are finished, "Save Registration Note Edits".  If you do not Save, the text will revert back to the default text.  At any time in the future you can revert back to the default text by clicking the "Restore text" button at the bottom of the page.  See below.


Make sure you have new user accounts available.  To see how many user accounts are available to you, check the counter on the top right of the Dashboard.  You can buy more here.   (Academic and non-profit here.)

To register users.  There are two ways to do this:

Option 1: Register each user manually, one at a time. This is more intuitive for most users and faster if you are entering only a handful of names.  (But if you are entering dozens of names, it is worth taking a few minutes to read instructions and using option 2 below.)   

To enter users manually:

 Click on “Create User” to bring up a registration form.  Here's what you'll see:

You must enter all of the following:

  • Name. Whatever you enter here will appear at the top of that user’s Score Report.  Eg: if you enter “John Doe”, at top of the Score Report it will say “Report for John Doe”. Spaces between names are okay.
  • Password, entered twice.  Password can be any combination of six or more letters, numbers, or symbols. You can ignore notices that say you must have all of those.   If you are creating several users, you can use the same password for all, but remember that some users might figure this out and be able to access the score reports of their classmates.  Best practice would be diverse passwords.
  • Email.  Our server imposes two rules regarding emails.  One, whatever you enter in this field must be in standard email format, that is, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   Two, you cannot use the same email address twice, ie:, for more than one account.  A warning message will appear within a few seconds if you fail to observe either of these.  (If you delete someone's account and then want to recreate a new account with the same email address, you must remove them from the Archive first.   See instructions in the Archive section below.)

Click on one of the “Register” buttons at the bottom. 

Option 2: Enter user names in a .csv file and upload that file to the server.  See option in left menu, Import List of Users from .CSV for instructions. This is by far the fastest option if you are doing many users. (If 40 or less it might be faster to do manual entry as creating a CSV file and uploading takes a few minutes.)  The server is unforgiving in insisting that you create the CSV file in exactly the format described, but if you get this right, you can reduce registration time by at least 50%.   The server automatically assigns a password when you use this option.  If you have trouble loading a CSV file send it to us and we'll do it for you at no charge.  See the note about this in Import List of Users from .CSV

This option also gives you an extra data field for each user, a feature that is especially nice for profs with students in several sections.  You can easily group students by section on your dashboard with this field.  See the instructions at Import List of Users from CSV about how to do this.


A few trainers want to give users their reports only at the time of the workshop and block access till then.  In the screenshot below, the third column is "Users can see report?"   By default, this setting is Yes, which sends the report to users.   By clicking on the Yes/No button and then Confirm, you can change that setting for any user.  Or you can change the setting for all users at once by following instructions in the grey row at top of that column.  


What do users see with the Yes setting?  With the No setting?  If Show Report is set to Yes, your users will see a Score Report and have access to the tutorial on our site as soon as they take the inventory.  If Show Report is set to No, they will instead see the screen below after they finish taking the inventory.  Either way, by default you will receive a copy of score reports of users as soon as they take them, sent to your email account.   (Instructions on changing the Copy Setting below.)


Screen as viewed by users when Dashboard is set to Show Report to User/NO.   This setting sends a score report directly to the consultant and blocks user from seeing scores.


Now you are ready to send the registration email to the users in your dashboard.  You can send this to users one at a time by clicking the Send button in each row in your dashboard.  For many, it is much faster as a Bulk Operation - see instructions for this at the very top of the dashboard.   Important, when you send using Bulk Operations, the server sends only to those users visible to you when you click the Send button.  You can increase the number of visible users with the little setting in the middle at the top of the dashboard.   

how many   See the 2nd note in the "Important Notes" section above to learn how to change the number of users visible to All (in the lower right hand corner of the dashboard).  

Your users will receive an email like this: