How We Manage User Data at Riverhouse
Riverhouse ePress has from its inception followed a policy of careful management of user data. In a time of heightened concern about data security, we are happy to report that we have always been essentially in conformity with the requirements of the 2018 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We intend to remain in conformity with GDPR and best practices regarding user data as they develop. Our situation:
Data Collected by Riverhouse ePress
Our primary product is Style Matters, a conflict style inventory used by trainers or individual users.
The following data are collected from users of our site:
- Name and email address are collected from users who download training materials, or sign up for our blog at
- Name and email address of users of the online version of Style Matters are retained on our database. In addition, the score report created when users take the online version of Style Matters is retained. Additional notification that score reports are retained and how to request deletion will be added to our site in May, 2018.
- Name, email and physical address of users who purchase physical copies of Style Matters are kept in our database.
All the above data are accessible only by our staff, or directly by users who can login and get a copy of their score report.
Storage of and Access to Data
Riverhouse stores data on our own site, on a server owned by Inmotion hosting. At date of writing this policy, Inmotion has indicated its intentions to be GDPR compliant but has not been forthcoming with further information.
We store backup data on a facility owned by Amazon AWS where we purchase storage space. Amazon has asserted that it is already in full compliance with GDPR.
Our email is processed and stored by Google. Names, email addresses and score reports are sent by email, so this data is contained in our email. Google has, at time of writing this statement, indicated its commitment to meeting the requirements of GDPR.
These third-parties are not authorized to access our data for any purpose other than for technical issues of site management or by request of users or trainers for assistance with their own data.
The only persons with access to Riverhouse data are 3 individual Riverhouse staff, with managerial, administrative, or technical duties.
Sharing of Data
Our policy is and always has been no sharing of data with other entities, with two exceptions:
1) Trainers or educators who use Style Matters with students or groups automatically receive a copy by email of the score report of users for whom they have pre-paid access to Style Matters. This score report contains the name and scores of each prepaid user for use by trainers in workshops. Trainers receive this by default but can opt not to receive it.
2) Since 2014, Riverhouse ePress has invited all users of Style Matters Online to opt in to data sharing for research purposes. The score reports of those who opt in are stored anonymously in our data base. These individuals are invited to provide their age, location, gender, and profession and this information is stored with scores.
Except for the above, Riverhouse never shares data with anyone.
Policy on Having Data Deleted
A user can at any time scroll to the bottom menu of and delete their account and related data. In the menu item How We Manage Our Data, click, "Delete my data". After logging in, the user will be presented with an option to delete the account and related data. Or users can send a note to Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar. requesting that their account and all accompanying data be deleted permanently from our server. In the latter case, deletion will be done manually by our staff within 2 business days of request.
Designated Data Officer
Until further notice, the role of data officer for handling of any issues related to data management at Riverhouse resides with me. We welcome queries and requests as these enable us to remain current with evolving practices. Email can be directed to me at Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Ron Kraybill, CEO
Riverhouse ePress
May 24, 2018