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Style Matters in downloadable PDF in ENGLISH

Identical to our printed version, Style Matters in PDF is for trainers or users who want to print their own copies. Buy one PDF file here and print it out. If you want to use it for several people, buy the required number of Rights to Reproduce as a separate item. YOU NEED A PASSWORD TO OPEN THIS FILE; see the Purchase Order in your inbox. Also available in French.

Note: If you are considering this option on grounds of cost, you are welcome to approach us for assistance. We have a commitment in principle that every motivated user should be able to use the version most suited to their needs. We weigh this principle more heavily than maximizing revenue for every sale. If you believe your group deserves consideration for a reduced price, send us an email at center@riverhouseepress.com. The digital version gives a significantly higher learning experience for most situations than the paper version - see our detailed assessment of that at http://bit.ly/paperordigital. We'll do our best to put it in reach financially for you.
Order for$15.00

After purchase you will be able to download this PDF file immediately or any time in the future. To make more than one printed copy of it, purchase Rights to Reproduce below. The file is for your own use alone; it is illegal to circulate the PDF file to others.

- A trainer plans to make print copies for 10 people. She buys one PDF for $15 and 9 user rights for $7 each. She prints out the PDF, using the password sent with the order to open the PDF, and prints 10 copies.
- A trainer wants to send the PDF to 10 people. She pays for 10 PDFs at $15 and sends them to her users. The higher price reflects our best guess about the increased risk to us of unauthorized use that accompanies an expanded pool of PDFs in circulation. We make major effort to keep prices accessible to trainers in price-sensitive environments. Thus we depend on integrity of trainers in paying us for copies used.